SSP is 5 months today! I can't believe were getting so old! And today I realized that were not the only ones. I noticed myself re-asking customers how old their babies are, because I could have sworn they were just born, or we just talked about the cool bathtub for them. And now, they are either starting to crawl, walk or even talk. I cant wait to look back at this time and see these kids grow before our eyes.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
5 months!!
SSP is 5 months today! I can't believe were getting so old! And today I realized that were not the only ones. I noticed myself re-asking customers how old their babies are, because I could have sworn they were just born, or we just talked about the cool bathtub for them. And now, they are either starting to crawl, walk or even talk. I cant wait to look back at this time and see these kids grow before our eyes.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
lifetime memories
A few weeks ago Sugar Snap Pea hosted Santa. He was kind enough to stop by our store to snap a few pictures and let some kids tell him what they want for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tripp Trapp!!
Its true. Stokke Tripp Trapp is coming to Sugar Snap Pea. Its almost as exciting as Santa....almost.
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's true. I am becoming a kid more and more, while owning my own children's boutique. I may or may not be more excited that Santa is coming to Sugar Snap Pea this weekend. Thats right folks. Mr. International traveler himself, will be at 161 1/2 King Street for a little modeling photoshoot. Young or old, you are welcome to come sit next to Santa and tell him what you may want this Christmas and get your picture taken by our wonderful Carmen.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Love Gave...have you?
As the holiday season is approaching, people are starting to look for a place and a way to give. When I started Sugar Snap Pea, I had every intention of making sure that SSP cares for others. This season, Sugar Snap Pea will be involved in many fundraisers, but one to point out will be Love Gave-the Bike Drive.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Traveling in style
Well, its that time of the year. When 4pm feels like 9pm, and its pitch dark at 6pm outside. But not for long, because before you know it, Christmas lights are going to take over our streets and it will be nice and bright.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Urban Sunday
I met a lot of new vendors at ENK. So many, I cant wait for you to see during spring time at sugar snap pea. However, there is one fun accessory line that just arrived. Some of you may think its a typical southern thing, but with its catchy name, the company shows that a fun accessory for a boy is not just a thing of the south.
Monday, October 25, 2010
the power of advertising
I come from the ad world. A world where you spend lots of money for a reader to see your shiny ad and make a split decision if they like you or not.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
baby store mythbusters #2
Stop in and get your size! They range from 7-2!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
baby store mythbusters #1
Sugar Snap Pea is growing and growing oh so fast! In the past (almost) 3 months, I have laughed and wanted to cry at some things that some people say re: SSP. But something that I keep hearing over and over, is that boy clothes is "just not as cute". (this usually happens when people are looking at a fun tutu, or a hair bow) And while I would agree that boys may hate you for putting that stuff on them (but if you have a picture, Im thinking their rehearsal dinner is a great time to bring in that snapshot), I think that our imagination should just go a bit further and past some tule.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Endless possibilities
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
a BIG deal!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Well Looky Here ( or up)
I know its not monday...but it was totally worth the day to blog about it. Today Sugar Snap Pea got its sign. Thats right folks, no longer will you have to bend your necks, look up into the sky and try to figure out where you are or what amazingness you're standing in front of. Sugar Snap Pea is seen from afar and from up close. The little giraffe is happy, yet modern, friendly and all of the things that Sugar Snap Pea is to you. All thanks to Limelight Co!
Monday, September 20, 2010
sleep well
Monday, September 13, 2010
Buga-boo! No, thats not me getting you ready for Halloween. Its the stroller line that Sugar Snap Pea is bringing for our lovely customers. Strollers are a funny thing. They are going to be part of your life for a long time, so when choosing the right stroller for the store I had to take a lot into consideration.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Whats SSP to you?
Friday, August 27, 2010
no, thank YOU!
I think its very important to let customers know how grateful I am that they want to shop here and I hope you all know that I am so very honored and humbled by this!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Why Charleston is great!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
1 Month Birthday Present-TO YOU!!
In 1993 Greg Mortenson was returning from a failed attempt to climb K2, the world's second highest mountain, in northern Pakistan. During the ascent Greg and three climbers rescued a fifth climber. The rescue took over 75 hours. After the rescue Greg became separated from the group. Both weak and exhausted he wondered into a small improvised village. The people in the village welcomed Greg and nursed him back to health.
To repay the village for saving his life, Greg promised to return and build a school. From this simple promise grew one of the most incredible humanitarian campaigns of our time—Greg Mortenson's one-man mission to counteract extremism by building schools, throughout an area dominated by the Taliban.
In pursuit of his goal, Mortenson has survived kidnapping, fatwas issued by enraged mullahs, repeated death threats, and wrenching separations from his wife and children. But the change he has made on the world speaks for itself. As of 2009, Mortenson has established or significantly supports 131 schools in rural and often volatile regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. These schools provide an education to over 58,000 children, including 44,000 girls, where few education opportunities existed.
Mortenson’s success in the region has brought great praise from the Pentagon and he is considered a valued unofficial consultant to the United States Military. Three Cups of Tea is now required reading for Special Forces troops deploying to Afghanistan
“Three Cups of Tea” is one of the most remarkable adventure stories of our time. Greg Mortenson’s dangerous and difficult quest to build schools in the wildest parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan is not only a thrilling read, it’s proof that one ordinary person, with the right combination of character and determination, really can change the world.” - Tom Brokaw