As the holiday season is approaching, people are starting to look for a place and a way to give. When I started Sugar Snap Pea, I had every intention of making sure that SSP cares for others. This season, Sugar Snap Pea will be involved in many fundraisers, but one to point out will be Love Gave-the Bike Drive.
Please read below on their effort:
"LoveGave Bikes is a city-wide effort to give bikes to over 250 kids spread across 12 different Charleston area schools. For most of these kids, no bike would mean no Christmas present this year. To pull this off, we need you to partner with us. There are two ways you can give: online or in person. To give online, use the link below and we’ll purchase and deliver the bike on your behalf. To give in person, purchase a new bike at the West Ashley Walmart during the LoveGave Bikes event Thur. Dec 2, 9am — Sat Dec 4, 7pm. We’ll be perched high in a crane above the parking lot for 58 hours broad-casting live right here at LoveGave.com, chatting with you and giving updates on our progress along the way!"
Best part of it all? If you're not counting on kids who will be overjoyed because they will have a Christmas present? Sugar Snap Pea will offer you 10% off if you participate! And lets remember, that this should happen not just during the holiday season!
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