I cant believe my first 2 weeks just flew by. So much love has been put into this space. Some spots more than others. Some painting mishaps still bother me, but since Im the only one to blame for that, I'll let that one slide :)
Since I thrive on organization, I've decided that Monday will be my official blog day. So this way, you can always be in the know and through out the week you can check twitter or facebook for even speedier information. (www.sspbaby.com)
As promised, I have a sneak peak of the amazing photos by Jenna Daniels. For a crazy day as the grand opening was, Jenna managed to create a sense of peace on that day. I'll let you be the judge yourself, but think she's pretty amazing!

no they are not concerned shoppers...they are just adding everything in their head that they want

we took a great mobile and made it into an amazing thingymagigy over the counter

just a few people stopped by...

entertainment for kids and adults

pointing is good...pointing means-adorable

she might kill me for this picture...but i love it...i think she was telling a story

the never ending tears

D'lish and Yoj..enough said

my little sticker elfs

Monday-Saturday home

so this picture is there because of hilarity of the situation...note the cardboard..

and now its gone...

lets do it again!
the store is BEAUTIFUL Z! And the print looks great behind the counter:)