I went to a really small college, where the town's motto was "its the people". You cant make this up even if you tried. However, after being there for 4 years, you realize, it really is all about the people. So many of you have sent me such lovely notes and messages about my new adventure, and it lights up my day! So thank you.
Since this blog is not just about what cool things sugar snap pea will carry, but the every aspect of my business, I wanted to highlight a special family in my life that helped sugar snap pea ...well get its name.
When this first crazy idea came to my head about picking up my life and moving to a strange city, I decided to pay a little visit to my friends in Portland, OR. They are the perfect family. Really, Im writing this with tiny bit of envy. I met Mark in college, and we got along great. He kept saying how much Id enjoy meeting his fiancee, who lived in OR at the time. I never thought much about it, until Heather and I started an innocent gmail relationship. Long story short, our relationship blossomed so much, that we rendez vous in Chicago and then I decided to visit them in OR. (ok, really it was heather, but thanks for the house mark ;)
When I first arrived in their wonderful city, we headed to a great brunch and mark said, I think you should name your store sugar snap pea. I looked at him like he was crazy, and carried on with our conversation. The more time we spent, the more I kept going back to that name.
Sugar Snap Pea...how perfect. Sugar, sweet southern ways, its elegance and charm. Snap, fresh modern approach to clothing and childhood, and Pea, for your little one....THAT WAS IT!
No business ever takes off because you did it all yourself. So I was so grateful for that help! I knew that the name would stick for many reasons, but i trusted this family so much, because they are wonderful business owners themselves.
Mark opened Clive Coffee a few years ago. This wonderful company has amazing leadership and runs perfectly. Im saying that as a friend and also as a customer. After visiting their home and having some of their coffee, I decided to order his french press. Its because of that press, that I get things done during the day. Really, its my new best friend.
Dont take my word. Look at this video and take a look at some of the images from his website, and do yourself a favor, order something and you'll be changed forever. From customer service, to fast shipping (and bonus, no sales tax), amazing products and everything you may want from a business, they have it. Its wonderful to have friends like Mark and Heather. And its wonderful to have all of you as friends! Thank you!
P.S. they knew nothing about this post...its my pure pleasure to embarrass my friends this way.