By my lease, Im not allowed to sleep in my store...but for the last week, I feel like I have spent more time there than at my own house, but if that lease said I can reside, oh boy, we would be in trouble. Oh well, I knew this would come, however, I didn't care to spend the last week painting and ripping up somewhat old floors (said she politely)
So to catch you up on whats been happening in the last week, as its been exactly a week, since I got my keys and lost my freedom.
Saturday we ripped the carpet ( again, HUGE thanks to BritNAY (she likes to be called that) and Nic) and then we painted. More like, they painted, and I cried. Then, they left me...and I really wanted to cry a lot. But I didnt. I just started to make matters worse with my painting.
Let me tell you about that....I HATE PAINTING. Mostly because I suck at it...and really, really do mean that. I am not good, I waste paint and it looks like ...well, not good.
So just please be kind, when you come to SSP , make sure not to make fun of the crappyness that is my painting, and just adore the cute product. Thanks :)
Speaking of product....items are coming in LEFT AND RIGHT. I know my AMEX # by heart and have been using it very frequently...sweet. So Im very excited to see everything in its place.
Wednesday, my friend Candice and I took a little trip to the sweedish land of cheap furniture. Ikea was great. We spent...good 6 hours, instead of planned 3. Yep, we're awesome. I look forward to putting all those fun pieces together. Because if you've ever shopped at Ikea, you KNOW things are needed to be put together from 1000 little pieces to 1 table. Im sure I'll be adding that to the list of hates...right next to painting.
Grand opening is still scheduled for the 21st, and its creeping up closer and closer. Im still missing 2 very important furniture pieces that are basically essential to the grand opening, so Im hoping they are just going to drop on my front step. I know what I want, I just havent found the right one...oh the story of my life.
Well, with that, Im leaving you with some before and after photos of the store in its current condition. Back to painting and crying.

pretty pretty floors before the hard wood and after the sad carpet went bye bye

We will be utilizing that arch so stay tuned for that change

aww look at those pretty pretty floors
It looks great! I cant wait to see it!