I remember walking through trade show booths in New York this past March and something caught my eye....something that I wasn't sure I could easily recognize, but yet looked shockingly known.
I stopped and spoke with one of the inventors of Mimijumi Bottles. The concept behind the creation of this great product is simple...WHY CONFUSE THE BABY. Well, maybe it wasn't how I had it described to me...but that's basically what I got out of it.

Your baby just experienced a lot of changes by being born...people are snapping pictures, grandpa in the back yelling " THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY EVER" and then they try to teach your child how to eat. That's right...lets just change it ALL up on a baby.
"Mimijumi was created by two psychiatrists and an industrial designer with the goal of creating new products that will revolutionize the parenting process". Yes please.
So while some men may be uncomfortable holding a bottle that looks a lot like the actual thing, remember, its for the good of your baby :)
Sugar Snap Pea just got an order of these and I cant wait to share them with our customers!

wow!! my youngest refuses all bottles we have tried so far...maybe i need to look into this one!