However, when my little brother was born and as he grew to cause trouble, I remember asking my mom not to punish him for whatever he may have done, but to punish me instead.....yeah I used to be sweet...not sure what happened.
Sugar Snap Pea decided that there is a fun way to make that intro transition. A great bonding time for parent/child is to prepare something for the new addition to the family.
Poloppo is an amazing invention that allows your kid to express their creativity by creating a little onesie for the new baby. Its super easy too, both on you and your child. The package comes in with everything you may need. Paper to draw, crayons to draw with, and a PREPAID envelope that you send in the art work. Shortly after, you will get the onesie you requested (comes in different colors and sizes) at your doorstep!
Poloppo also offers big kids tees and other fun art projects. Watch out, sugar snap pea may have a fun art class one day!

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