I've been dreaming about different ways Sugar Snap Pea is going to look (or better yet, waking up at 4am in panic). Yes, having the best product is very important to me and I hope you will love what we are bringing this summer. However, customer service is HUGE. Part of our customer service is going to involve the pleasant feel of the store, where adults and kids will want to return all the time!
I remember my little brother having a great love for writing on our hallway wallpaper. Yes, this was before everyone swore off wallpapers, and before it came back as a huge decorating hit. (thank you, endless days of HGTV). There is nothing more appealing than having some tea and starring at an inked wallpaper. He used other products like markers, but never anything that would come off the wall. Again, notice all rebel stories never involving me...
These days, parents are getting smart and "wall training" their kids. This is the safe zone, that is not. One way to do that, is by painting part of the wall in chalk paint and let kids roam free.
Sugar Snap Pea is going to have that "safe zone" wall where kids (and adults) can express their creativity. Also, be sure to look out for specials, events and other fun information on that wall!
Take a look for yourself at these great walls!

images : the stir, sweetiepiepumkinnoodle, joliejolie, google images