Monday, October 25, 2010

the power of advertising

I come from the ad world. A world where you spend lots of money for a reader to see your shiny ad and make a split decision if they like you or not.

I was always on the: "you should be in our publication" side. Now, Im the person I used to run after. Advertising is great, but its usually very painful to spend the money that you actually need to advertise well.

I could think of million other places to put the money ( more merchandise, classes, maybe even lunch) but you cant have a sucesful business unless people know about you. Ho Hum.

Social media is great. Its a tool, that if used well, can bring great brand recognition and may cost you a bit less too. So I tried to dabble in it all. Sugar Snap Pea obviously has this blog, facebook and twitter accounts, and now we're going to print.

If you visit Charleston, you'll see SSP ads in a local map and then another visitors guide. Our latest, is going to a local magazine-Skirt. Check it out! And if you're not a fan on facebook...well Im not really sure what your excuse is ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

baby store mythbusters #2

So I guess Im going to do a fun series on myth-busters. Im kind of excited about it, since Im learning so much as I grow this business. This week it will all be related to clothing.

Myth # 2--there are no cute and practical shoes for kids.

Yesterday I got a few delicious pairs of shoes. Indulge below:

our winter shoe :)
great for school since so many schools need a rubber bottom.

Stop in and get your size! They range from 7-2!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

baby store mythbusters #1

Sugar Snap Pea is growing and growing oh so fast! In the past (almost) 3 months, I have laughed and wanted to cry at some things that some people say re: SSP. But something that I keep hearing over and over, is that boy clothes is "just not as cute". (this usually happens when people are looking at a fun tutu, or a hair bow) And while I would agree that boys may hate you for putting that stuff on them (but if you have a picture, Im thinking their rehearsal dinner is a great time to bring in that snapshot), I think that our imagination should just go a bit further and past some tule.

Now, I know that not everyone will have the same style as I do, for their kids and I am slowly starting to be ok with that. As soon as I realized that there ARE fun clothes for boys, SSP started to load up on them. I've said how excited I am about spring, and you will see why starting in December, but if you haven't been to SSP in awhile, you may be shocked about great boy looks that we now carry.

So moms! Im on your side! Lets shop for your sweet boy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Endless possibilities

Happy Monday everyone. Its been crazy here at SSP. I just returned from a great buying trip in NY where I picked up wonderful new lines (Toobydoo, Olive Juice, Morgan and Milo and Baby Soy, as well as returning favorite lines like Kate Quinn, Feather Baby, Neige, Tea and many others). And starting in December, you can start shopping for your little AND bigger kids in your life ( on selective sizes that will go to age 12 for girls and 8 for boys)

Our marketing brains are exploding with fun things ahead, and be sure to keep up with your weekly blog reading and facebook updates. TRUST ME, it will be worth your time ( and money)

Now that Christmas is approaching (don't worry, I'm a store that believes in celebrating holidays in its order, so no Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving, sorry folks) it is good to start thinking about a nice Christmas Wish-list.

How often have you received an outfit from someone, that you know you will never put on your child? (wrong size, color, texture) Or a toy that your child may have outgrown, but you're too nice to return it, incase the gift giver ever returns to your home and asks to see that cute toy they got your kid 5 years ago.

Here at Sugar Snap Pea we are taking the awkwardness out of gift giving. You may now come in and make a simple wish list for what you may want from your grandma, friend or just anyone that has a desire to give you a Holiday gift. Don't live in Charleston? Not a problem. We have prepackaged gifts, or can customize a gift in any size, cost and flavor to your liking.

More info on these fun options are coming to your inboxes, so if you haven't signed up, do so, by going to and add us to your mailing list.

Ok, off to sort fun new items that are coming in rapidly.

P.S. Thanks to Way Way for a nice post about SSP. Check her out here!

for those of you who haven't seen our latest display for the breast cancer awareness month:
save the milk machines